As the raindrops kissed my ailing being,
I couldn’t help but ponder
Upon the persistence of the warmth ensuing
And the everlasting wonder.
“Why?” I thought. “Why?” I screamed
Into the lifeless, barren void.
I saw a face, eyes which gleamed
And I saw my castles of sand–destroyed.
A mystic siren, wielding her hypnotic lyre;
Had pulled me into this treacherous mire.
Igniting in me a deep, solemn desire
To possess, to crave, to sit still and admire;
To take for granted, what I had in hand;
And to reach out in greed for an exotic land.
To turn a blind eye, to the blood and gore;
And to keep fighting till I could move no more.
Images keep haunting my tormented soul;
Fairy tales from a forbidden folklore.
I've become a lonely warrior, a guardian sole;
Of a guilty conscience, a corroded core.
That countenance, those sea-green eyes;
The tinkling laughter and countless smiles
Had served well to hide a lifetime of lies,
A tale of despair, agony and a lost paradise.